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Water Rate Increase Effective 05/01/24


The Athens City Council voted Monday 04/08/2024 in a regular council meeting to raise water and sewer rates for the users of the City of Athens Water District by passing Ordinance #03-2024.  Due to rising costs, and system maintenance that must be done to maintain a safe and proper working utility system, rates had to be increased.  The new rate change will go into effect for the May water usage and will be reflected on the billing that is received in June.  The rates are as follows:




In-town Water Base Rate

$27.24 for 0-2000 gallons

$25.00 for 0-1000 gallons

In-town Water p/1000-gallon rate

$5.53 for each additional 1000 gallons

$7.00 for each additional 1000 gallons





Out-of-town Water

Base Rate

$32.49 for 0-2000 gallons

$35.61 for 0-1000 gallons

Out-of-town Water p/1000-gallon rate

$8.48 for each additional 1000 gallons

$10.53 for each additional 1000 gallons


Sewer Base Rate

$25.88 for 0-2000 gallons

$26.39 for 0-1000 gallons

Sewer p/1000-gallon rate

$6.49 for each additional 1000 gallons

$6.61 for each additional 1000 gallons


Bulk Water Rates

$0.46 p/29 gallons

$0.50 p/ 25 gallons


The entire ordinance can be viewed on our website at www.athensil.gov.